Aug 12, 2008

Stirling Engines at Sci Foo 2008

I spent last weekend in Mountain View at Sci Foo 2008, and it was incredible. I attended some excellent sessions, talked with a lot of interesting people, and, along with Robert, assembled some Stirling Engines that Cat bought for the conference. Since Stirling engines run off of any temperature difference, the obvious choice to power them is a cup of hot water or coffee, but I figured you could get a nice difference if you only had something cold to run the engine on. So I... well, I'll let you see for yourself:


  1. I had no idea that there was a Google ice cream novelty. Does Google also package coffee? What am I saying . . . why wouldn't they do coffee?! Mmm, G-Roast.

  2. Too cool! I wish I could find those mini sterling engine kits for less than USD 80.

  3. Score! Thanks for the tip.
